
We shall roar till Justice comes home to roost

Saida Ali So much has been said about the worst form of punishment for rape. In a small village of Tingolo in Busia County, some Administrative Police officers decided that the best they could do to punish six young men who had gang raped a 16-year-old girl was to slash grass! Liz was literally left … Read more

Nakuru activity on the Launch of 16 days of activism

All gathered at the Railway Grounds for the procession which would end at the ACK Hall where the rest of the event was to take place. The event started at around 10:30 a.m instead of the stipulated 9a.m. Nonetheless there was a lot of excitement in the air as all could not wait to begin … Read more

Police ignorance on rape is appalling

BY SAIDA ALI We have recently witnessed a national outcry by top national leaders in regards to traffic accidents in the country. True, there is a crisis in the country as regards careless driving.

Nervous conditions

Today is day one of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender based Violence Campaign. I couldn’t think of a better way to describe our societal acceptance of violence against women so I borrowed Nervous Conditions from Tsitsi Dangarembga. Violence against women is not just a sign but is also in itself a set of … Read more

Cycles of Violence and Public Accountability in Kenya

By Awino Okech Njeri Rugene’s article in the Daily Nation of October 7th 2013, about the gang rape of a 16 year old girl in Busia County by three men, who were subsequently released by policemen with an order to cut grass, confirms the committed efforts to reverse the gains made by women within the Constitution. … Read more

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