We shall roar till Justice comes home to roost

Saida Ali
So much has been said about the worst form of punishment for rape. In a small village of Tingolo in Busia County, some Administrative Police officers decided that the best they could do to punish six young men who had gang raped a 16-year-old girl was to slash grass! Liz was literally left for the dead as they threw her in an un-used 6-meter pit latrine. Liz’s case is symptomatic of a bigger underlying problem – impunity on sexual and gender based violence and questioning due diligence especially on State accountability for violence against women. This includes measures for prevention, protection, prosecution, punishment and provision of redress and reparations. Reparative justice can include but is not limited to a public apology. One of our key demands in Liz’s case is that the Inspector General of Police gives a public apology to Liz and all Kenyan women and girls for police misconduct on this case.

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