The Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maanda Project- Narok

The SRH  is a 3year project implemented by COVAW in 3 sub counties of Narok (South North and East) This project addresses  gender inequalities aligned with the National Gender and Equality Commission’s Roadmap.

Community dialogues are  held aimed at changing the imbalance of power in the communities using COVAW’s SASA model; religious leaders  engaged through the Faith For Life Model; and local leaders supported to enforce anti-FGM and child protection laws; support services for SGBV are strengthened through training paralegals in villages and health facilities, law enforcers, teachers and other service providers; innovative ways are explored to reverse roles of TBAs on FGM,and promote alternative rites of passage for girls.

This project therefore works with custodians of culture, Community Activists and paralegals to champion SRH rights and explore ways to protect women and girls from harmful practices.

The project is informed by the Narok County Health Profile and has been supported by the District Health Management Teams (DHMT), who cite issues of SRH services infrastructure, commodities and supplies, staff shortages, cultural beliefs and practices and staff attitudes as priorities to be addressed in order to improve SRH outcomes. This project also supports the recently launched “Beyond Zero Campaign” to ensure that no woman dies giving birth.

In order to achieve the above stated objective, the project endeavours to:

  1. Increased utilization of antenatal and skilled delivery services in the target areas
  2. Reduction in unmet needs for Family Planning among women and girls in Narok County by end of project period
  3. Changes in social norms, attitudes and practices that lead to a reduction in sexual and gender based violence and other harmful practices
  4. Improved gender responsive SRH services at the community and county level
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