Severely Mutilated Bodies Discovered in Mukuru kwa Njenga, Nairobi

Press Statement
For Immediate Release
15th July 2024

Severely Mutilated Bodies Discovered in Mukuru kwa Njenga, Nairobi

The Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW) expresses profound sadness and outrage over the unfolding discovery of multiple bodies at the Kware dumpsite in Nairobi’s Mukuru kwa Njenga informal settlement. During a press statement held yesterday, Acting Police Inspector General Douglas Kanja stated that eight bodies had been recovered as of July 13, 2024. Preliminary investigations indicate that all the recovered bodies are female.

Kware Dam Mukuru Kwa Njenga deaths

This gruesome discovery adds to the pile of tragedies Kenya is already facing. The country is still reeling from the anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests, which have so far resulted in at least 39 deaths according to Kenya National Human Rights Commission (KNHCR). Additionally, in January this year, there were at least 16 documented cases of femicide.

COVAW strongly condemns all forms of violence, against both women and men. All lives matter; we call for decisive action by the Kenyan Government in response to all killings. We demand that:

  1. All killings be swiftly and thoroughly investigated and those responsible held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
  2. The Witness Protection Agency takes swift and effective measures to protect persons who come forward with information related to the killings.
  3. Law enforcement agencies comply strictly with the recent court orders prohibiting the use of any type of ammunition, lethal or otherwise, against peaceful protestors.
  4. The Kenyan Government takes swift action to combat all forms of violence through comprehensive GBV prevention and response measures such as the establishment of safe houses for GBV survivors and rollout of emergency protection orders for individuals at risk of violence.

Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW) is a women’s rights organization that focuses on influencing sustained engagement on violations conducted against women and girls with a focus on sexual and gender-based violence.

Fridah Wawira Nyaga
Acting Executive Director

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